S.M.A.R.T [ Specific . Measurable . Achievable . Relevant . Timeliness ]

“A good compliance program should constantly evolve. A company’s business changes over time, as do the environments in which it operates, the nature of its customers, the laws that govern its actions.”

  • Stop fixing and start improving.
  • The best practices are the ones you already have.
  • Changing behavior is more important than changing processes.
  • If you aren’t failing, you aren’t trying
Verify Your Compliance

Email is Invalid, please use different email address.

  • The organisations that are under compliance contract, expired compliance contract, discontinued parties. Please check with your service provider, partners for

    “Organisations Enrollment Code”

  • Every organisation is assigned with an unique Organisations Enrollment Code. (XpertLync DO NOT share the 16 digit Organisations Enrollment Code with 3rd parties. Please approach your business partners (or) contractors (or) service provider)
  • XpertLync client’s – To Know Your Business Compliance Status
  • Verifying Client, Vendor, 3rd Party Assessor’s and Verifying Bodies can have access (Request your party for 16 digit – ENROLLMENT NO.) and Regulatory body
  • Verify organisation has to input First Name, Last Name and Business Email
    • Click -> Next (Please note: use the business email id to authenticate)
  • Input <16 Digit – Alpha Numeric Values> and Click on Enrollment Search
  • It will show Summary of the organisation
  • Click on Company Name to see the detailed view of the organisation
  • XpertLync owns shared responsibility and accountability for the clients under Active Contract.
  • XpertLync owns no responsibility and accountability for Inactive, Contract Exit, Terminated, Non Compliant clients.
  • Organisation’s or any related parties cannot hold XpertLync liable for any misconduct, lawlessness, malpractice by the organisations.
  • XpertLync is not legally bound to Inactive/Discontinued and Contract Expired Organisation’s
  • Inactive/Discontinued and Contract Expired Organisation’s should NOT use (or) share XpertLync’s Name or their auditor’s credential’s for any business transactions.
  • Using XpertLync’s Name /Auditor’s credentials must have written permission from XpertLync’s Management.